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Page 2 of 2 Tests Beginning with K 31 entries

KBST  Kleihauer-Betke Stain (Fetal Red Cell Stain), Blood Huntsville Hospital Laboratory
XYMF  Known 45,X, Mosaicism Reflex Analysis, FISH, Whole Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KOH S,H,N  KOH Prep-Hair, Nails, or Skin Decatur Morgan Hospital-Decatur General Campus
KOHPREP-NOS,H,N  KOH Prep-Not Hair, Nails, or Skin Decatur Morgan Hospital-Decatur General Campus
KRABZ  Krabbe Disease, Full Gene Analysis and Large (30 kb) Deletion, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRASW  KRAS Somatic Mutation Analysis, Peritoneal Fluid Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester